

Machine Compatibility

WMF Base Panel Espresso 1000X1000 @300

WMF espresso Base Panel

Enhance your WMF machine setup with the WMF espresso Base Panel, providing a sturdy & sleek platform for your espresso portafilter. It's designed to streamline your coffee preparation area, combining functionality with an elegant aesthetic

WMF Mobile Coffee Station Narrow Version | Includes Plumbing Kit 1000X1000 @300

WMF Mobile Coffee Station - Narrow Version | Includes Plumbing Kit

Offer flexibility in your coffee service with the WMF Mobile Coffee Station - Wide Version, featuring an inclusive plumbing kit for easy setup and operation in any location

WMF Mobile Coffee Station Wide Version | Includes Plumbing Kit 1000X1000 @300

WMF Mobile Coffee Station - Wide Version | Includes Plumbing Kit

Deploy your coffee service anywhere with the WMF Mobile Coffee Station - Wide Version, including a plumbing kit for complete flexibility and ease of setup

WMF Mobile Coffee Station 58 Includes Plumbing Kit 1000X1000 @300

WMF Mobile Coffee Station 58 - Includes Plumbing Kit

Expand your coffee service capabilities with the WMF Mobile Coffee Station 58, now including a plumbing kit for enhanced functionality and convenience in any setting

WMF Mobile Coffee Station 58 Shelf Only Model 1000X1000 @300

WMF Mobile Coffee Station 58 - Shelf Only Model

Enhance your coffee setup with the WMF Mobile Coffee Station 58 - Shelf Only Model. This version offers straightforward, efficient storage, perfect for organizing your coffee service essentials

10.5 Litre Countertop Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 10.5 Litre Countertop Dual Milk Fridge - with Temperature & Milk Level Sensor

Streamline your beverage service with the WMF 10.5L Dual Milk Fridge, outfitted with advanced temperature and milk level sensors for dual milk variety perfection, enhancing every creation.

10.5 Litre Countertop Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 10.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge

Discover unmatched capacity with the WMF 10.5L Countertop Milk Fridge, a spacious solution that guarantees your milk remains ideally chilled, ensuring superior quality in every brew.

10.5 Litre Countertop Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 10.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge - with Temperature & Milk Level Sensor

Revolutionise your beverage offerings with the WMF 10.5L Milk Fridge, equipped with temperature and milk level sensors for unparalleled freshness and accuracy, ensuring perfection in every pour.

3.5 Litre Countertop Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 3.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge

Enhance your coffee setup with the sleek WMF 3.5L Countertop Milk Fridge. Compact design meets optimal cooling, ensuring your milk stays fresh for every cup.

3.5 Litre Countertop Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 3.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge - with Digital Thermostat

Elevate efficiency with the WMF 3.5L Milk Fridge, featuring a digital thermostat for precise temperature control, keeping milk fresh and perfectly chilled for each beverage.

6.5 Litre Countertop Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 6.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge

Elevate your coffee experience with the WMF 6.5L Countertop Milk Fridge. Compact, efficient, and stylish, it keeps milk perfectly chilled, ensuring quality in every cup.

6.5 Litre Countertop Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 6.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge - with Temperature & Milk Level Sensor

Discover seamless efficiency with the WMF 6.5L Milk Fridge, featuring a temperature and milk level sensor for optimal freshness and minimal waste in every pour.

6.5 Litre Countertop Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 6.5 Litre Countertop Milk fridge - with Temperature & Milk Level Sensor. Left or Right side Milk-Feed

Optimise your coffee service with the WMF 6.5L Milk Fridge, equipped with a smart sensor and adaptable left or right side milk-feed, for perfect temperature control and ease.

9.5 Litre Under Counter Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 9.5 Litre Under Counter Dual Milk Fridge - with Temperature & Milk Level Sensor

Maximise your beverage potential with the WMF 9.5L Under Counter Dual Milk Fridge, featuring precise temperature and milk level sensors for two milk types, ensuring efficiency and quality beneath your counter.

9.5 Litre Under Counter Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 9.5 Litre Under Counter Milk Fridge

Optimise your space and service with the WMF 9.5L Under Counter Milk Fridge, the ultimate in discreet, efficient milk cooling, keeping your beverages consistently delightful.

9.5 Litre Under Counter Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 9.5 Litre Under Counter Milk Fridge - with Temperature & Milk Level Sensor

Refine your beverage craftsmanship with the WMF 9.5L Under Counter Milk Fridge, equipped with temperature and milk level sensors for seamless integration and perfect milk freshness.

9.5 Litre Under Machine Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 9.5 Litre Under Machine Dual Milk Fridge - with Temperature & Milk Level Sensor

Revolutionise your beverage workflow with the WMF 9.5L Under Machine Dual Milk Fridge, designed with temperature and milk level sensors for managing two milk types seamlessly, optimizing space and quality.

9.5 Litre Under Machine Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 9.5 Litre Under Machine Milk Fridge

Seamlessly integrate superior freshness with the WMF 9.5L Under Machine Milk Fridge, designed for perfect cooling and space-saving efficiency right under your coffee machine.

9.5 Litre Under Machine Chiller 1000X1000 @300

WMF 9.5 Litre Under Machine Milk Fridge - with Temperature & Milk Level Sensor

Transform your coffee service with the WMF 9.5L Under Machine Milk Fridge, equipped with precise temperature and milk level sensors, ensuring optimal freshness in a sleek under-machine footprint.

WMF Cup & Cool Narrow 4.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge With Cup Warmer 1000X1000 @300

WMF Cup & Cool Narrow - 4.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge with Cup Warmer

Enhance your coffee experience with the WMF Cup & Cool Narrow, a 4.5L milk fridge and cup warmer in one, ensuring perfectly chilled milk and warm cups every time

WMF Cup & Cool Narrow 4.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge With Cup Warmer 1000X1000 @300

WMF Cup & Cool Narrow - 4.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge with Cup Warmer - with Temperature & Milk Level Sensor

The WMF Cup & Cool Narrow, with a 4.5L capacity, integrates temperature and milk level sensors, combining a milk fridge and cup warmer to ensure optimal coffee preparation conditions

WMF Cup & Cool Wide 9.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge With Cup Warmer 1000X1000 @300

WMF Cup & Cool Wide - 9.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge with Cup Warmer

The WMF Cup & Cool Wide combines a 9.5L milk fridge with a cup warmer, offering large capacity and high efficiency for chilled milk and warm cups, ensuring readiness for each service

WMF Cup & Cool Wide 9.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge With Cup Warmer 1000X1000 @300

WMF Cup & Cool Wide - 9.5 Litre Countertop Milk Fridge with Cup Warmer - Temperature & Milk Level Sensor. Left or Right Side Milk Feed.

The WMF Cup & Cool Wide offers a 9.5L capacity, temperature and milk level sensors, plus adjustable milk feed, ensuring your coffee setup is versatile and efficient, with perfectly prepared milk and cups

WMF Cup Dispenser 1000X1000 @300

WMF Cup Dispenser - For all WMF 6.5 Litre Milk Fridges

Optimise your space and efficiency with the WMF Cup Dispenser, the perfect accessory for all WMF 6.5 Litre Milk Fridges. It ensures cups are neatly stored and easily accessible, enhancing your coffee service setup

WMF Cup Warmer Narrow 4X Heated Shelf Cup Warmer 1000X1000 @300

WMF Cup Warmer - Narrow - 4x Heated Shelf Cup Warmer

Keep your cups at the perfect temperature with the WMF Cup Warmer - Narrow, which offers 4x heated shelves for efficient warming, ensuring your beverages are served in ideally heated cups for enhanced flavor

WMF Cup Warmer Wide 4X Heated Shelf Cup Warmer 1000X1000 @300

WMF Cup Warmer - Wide - 4x Heated Shelf Cup Warmer

Upgrade your beverage experience with the WMF Cup Warmer - Wide, which boasts 4x heated shelves for consistently warm cups, ensuring each coffee delivers its fullest flavor and aroma

WMF Knock Box 1000X1000 @300

WMF Knock Box

The WMF Knock Box is a compact, durable accessory for disposing of espresso grounds efficiently, keeping your coffee area tidy and streamlining your cleanup process

WMF Milk Tank 18 Litre With Milk Empty Sensor 1000X1000 @300

WMF Milk Tank - 18 Litre with Milk Empty Sensor

Streamline your coffee service with the WMF Milk Tank - 18 Litre, equipped with a milk empty sensor. This large-capacity solution ensures your operations never run dry, maintaining efficiency and quality with every pour

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WMF Technical Group - External Plumbing Kit

Easily integrate your WMF coffee solutions with any setup using the WMF Technical Group's External Plumbing Kit, designed for straightforward connection and maintenance, enhancing the functionality and reliability of your coffee service infrastructure

WMF Portafilter 1000X1000 @300

WMF espresso Portafilter - Double (10-16g)

Craft perfect espresso for two with the WMF espresso Portafilter - Double (10-16g), designed for balanced extraction and a rich, full-bodied flavor in every cup. Ideal for espresso enthusiasts and busy settings alike

WMF Espresso Portafilter Double (10 16G) 1000X1000 @300

WMF espresso Portafilter - Double XL (15-21g)

The WMF espresso Portafilter - Double XL (15-21g), designed for crafting deeper, more flavorful double espresso shots, perfect for lovers of a robust coffee experience and high-demand settings

WMF Portafilter 1000X1000 @300

WMF espresso Portafilter - Single (8-11g)

Achieve precision in every espresso shot with the WMF espresso Portafilter for Single (8-11g) use. Designed for consistency and optimal extraction, it's essential for crafting the perfect espresso

WMF Portafilter 1000X1000 @300

WMF espresso Portafilter - Single XL (10-16g)

Unleash richer, bolder espresso shots with the WMF Single XL Portafilter (10-16g), perfect for those who prefer a stronger coffee experience

WMF Syrup Station 4X Syrup Flavour Station 1000X1000 @300

WMF Syrup Station - 4x Syrup Flavour Station

Customise your beverages with the WMF Syrup Station, featuring 4x syrup flavour options. This station enables easy addition of flavours to any drink, enriching your menu with personalised and diverse offerings

WMF Set Of Milk Jugs Set Of Three (2) 1000X1000 @300

WMF Set of Milk Jugs - Set of Three

Explore versatility with the WMF Set of Milk Jugs, featuring three sizes for all your frothing needs, ensuring perfect milk texture for any coffee specialty

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